Putting together the show so quickly only allowed a few days of rehearsal with the musicians and stage manager. Good thing everyone is a pro and that I surprisingly remember most of the script and my blocking! The big, tiring element of mounting this show, being director and designer, is the tech! Hours of preparation and then of course, equipment rental, set and gear load-in, set-up, light hang, light focus, sound, light board programming, light cue building and on and on. Two days in a row we were at the theatre until 1am! And even on Opening night day I was building the last piece of the set. Ah, it's a glamorous life this self-producing thing! Calgon take me away...or rather, presenters with deep pockets and generous subscribers take this show on!
Yes, that's a 1972 Gran Torino pulling the trailer full of the set. The last time it did this was in 2008 when we went down to The Piccolo Spoleto Festival in South Carolina. We drove 19 hours straight from New York City.
Yes, that's a 1972 Gran Torino pulling the trailer full of the set. The last time it did this was in 2008 when we went down to The Piccolo Spoleto Festival in South Carolina. We drove 19 hours straight from New York City.
Check out the whole #piafinlasvegas "Making of Piaf In Las Vegas" playlist on my youtube channel